English guide
Estás a tiempo:

Here you can read the english guide of the exhibition, in which we try to explain as many things as posible. We invite you to press every button in the room, in order to discover things that don't need a language to be understood. Click "Ver el programa" to download the file. 


  • Fecha inicio: 26/03/2025
  • Fecha fin: 04/02/2030
  • Horario:
  • Provincia: León
  • Lugar: Casa del Parque de Babia y Luna
  • Nº participantes:
  • 0

Ver programa

Casa del Parque "Palacio de Quiñones" Parque natural Babia y Luna (León)

Palacio de Quiñones - C/ Real s/n - 24143 Riolago de Babia

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